At every family reunion, it’s the same ritual: the famous photo albums are pulled out of the drawers for the occasion, taking us back years or even decades. And it has to be said, it’s always a time for sharing, with lots of laughs!

In terms of photography, however, I’ll have to pass 🙂
Let’s be honest, our family photographers, led by Tonton Jean-Pierre, were never recognized as the next Cartier-Bresson of their generation. Their style, still misunderstood today, is often a mix of background focus and overpowering flash that would turn anyone into a white lady.
As you can see, it’s not easy to improvise as a photographer, but there are good reasons for wanting to master the art. And when it comes to photographing loved ones, it’s even harder. In fact, taking photos of family and friends can be even more complicated than with complete strangers. You’ll find it easier to chauffeur a tourist who asks you to take a photo in front of the Eiffel Tower than your brothers and sisters, who will spend their time giggling at your hesitations.
To be a good family photographer, you’ll need to..:
1) A family photographer must master his or her photographic technique:
You need to know your camera inside out. You need to be at one with the rules of shutter speed, aperture and ISO sensitivity. No mean feat indeed! 🙂
2) A family photo shoot is a lot of people to handle!
A good photographer will know how to master the space in which he’s working, and will need to pre-visualize the framing that will bring out the best in those who pass in front of his lens. His experience will help him to avoid wasting too much time placing his subjects in the photo. It’s important to communicate constantly with your group, to keep them alert and involved.
3) A family photo session should be rhythmic
The more people you have in front of you to photograph, the more you risk general impatience if you don’t release the shutter early enough. You’ll need to be able to fill in the gaps. During these moments, it’s important not to lose confidence and, above all, to plan for the next shot! Even then, think about your next frame.
4) A family photographer knows how to release the shutter at the right moment
There’s a lot more to good photography than just the right settings. The family photographer needs to motivate his troops and capture the moment. Pay attention to framing, of course, get the right expressions and watch out for closed eyes.
5) Propose original family photos
You’re likely to be confronted with hesitation or refusal on the part of participants to project themselves into the ideas you’re proposing. You’ll have to come up with a new possibility, a plan b, a different concept that everyone will accept.
To sum up, as a photographer, a family photo shoot isn’t easy to pull off. And you’ll need experience and composure to get excellent photos.
My Shooting Photo offers to take the weight off your shoulders and include you in the photographs (which isn’t possible if you’re the photographer 😉 ) Our professional photographers will put you at ease and bring out the best in you and your family. Beautiful memories to add to your family photo albums.
At My Shooting Photo, we’ll do the shoot for you! In fact, there’s no obligation to buy! If you’re not satisfied with your photographs, you don’t have to order them. Basically, we’re betting you’ll like it 🙂
We hope to see you soon for a photo shoot in good spirits!
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Limited places each week.