Mother’s Day is fast approaching, and with it our many headaches in finding a gift worthy of the name for the woman who brought us into the world. After the pasta necklace in primary school, the scented candle and then the classic bouquet of flowers, this year you’re running out of ideas to give your mom a gift worthy of the name?
My Shooting Photo has the solution for you! On this special day, treat yourself to a photoshoot with your mother and share a unique moment together, far away from everyday life, her everyday life.
A photoshoot for Mother’s Day: an original gift that will fill your mother with happiness.
A unique family moment with a professional photographer
Because you’re growing up too fast, because your mother is never with you in the photos, because she doesn’t think she’s photogenic, because you want to keep beautiful memories of each past year, there are so many reasons to book a family photo session.

It’s the perfect opportunity to immortalize the strong bond between mother and child, and to rediscover each other, forge new ties and share new memories together, especially if you live far apart. Don’t hesitate to get the whole family involved, including children who live far away, the youngest and the oldest: this session belongs to you, and you should all enjoy this new-found cocoon together, making sure to put your mother at the center of attention.
Even if she may feel shy in front of a professional lens, the result and her future happiness at discovering herself in a photo with you are worth the candle. If it’s going to be a surprise, be sure to give her a few hours’ notice, so that she has enough time to get ready, put on her make-up and put on the outfit that will make her feel beautiful, comfortable and confident.

Show off your mom with a photo shoot
A mother will always be happy to have photos of her children, even more so as they grow up and go their own way. But when you look at family photo albums, there aren’t many images that feature your mom, are there? That’s where the photo shoot comes in: after pampering you, raising you, feeding you, washing you, advising you… it’s your mother’s turn to be in the spotlight!
Even before the idea of having photos of yourself, the primary aim of a photo shoot is to gain or regain self-confidence. It’s a way of becoming aware of your shape, your assets, and of appreciating yourself as you are. A professional photographer will be on hand not only to provide you with quality photos at the end of the shoot, but above all to guide you, make you feel confident in front of his or her sometimes intimidating lens, position you, and capture the moments of complicity that emanate from this session. Your mom will not only get high-definition photos of herself and her children, but also portraits of herself alone taken during the shoot: a great way to highlight her femininity as a woman, sometimes masked behind a super-mom cape.
Note to moms: some of you may be waiting until you’ve lost the pregnancy pounds or are less tired to have your photo taken. But the little flaws we may have are part of our charm, and can’t detract from the memories created during a family photo session. Photos last a lifetime, so it doesn’t matter if you have dark circles under your eyes or if you don’t think you’re slim or pretty enough… it’s your presence and this moment together that counts.
Take the plunge and enjoy a photo break with your children to immortalize your joy of being a mother and keep a wonderful souvenir. More than a gift, it’s a unique and unforgettable moment of sharing that awaits you and your children, and that will remain engraved in time. And who knows, maybe the following year you’ll escape the noodle necklace again, thanks to the album printed with the photos from the session 😉
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