While smartphones are becoming increasingly powerful in terms of image quality, the experience and know-how of a professional photographer should not be overlooked.
Today, it’s no longer enough to own a state-of-the-art camera or phone to take quality photos. Other, more subtle factors come into play when considering the need for a photographer.
Does paying for photos in 2023 seem old-fashioned?
In reality, booking a professional photo shoot is akin to going to a restaurant when you’re short of inspiration and the fridge is running low. Would you like to be served something different from what you can prepare at home? You go to a restaurant. You’d like to be guided and get quality photos? Call in a photographer.

A photo shoot is an investment
Whether it’s a booking to update your CV/Linkedin photo or to redo your professional acting portfolio, it’s important to see it as a long-term investment. Although a photo is not compulsory on your CV, it is nevertheless a very effective way of ensuring that the recruiter remembers you after an interview, all the more so if the number of applicants is high! If you don’t include a photo, some recruiters may be tempted to look for additional information about you themselves, and come across an unprofessional photo that makes a bad impression. If, on the other hand, your portrait appears on your CV, it will have been taken by a photographer with a sharp eye and selected by you. During a professional photo shoot, the photographer will be able to guide you and highlight your assets to reveal the best aspects of your personality: ambitious, creative, serious… and thus maximize your chances of being hired.
You’re a company manager and want to redo the photo portraits of all your employees?
A headache and a crucial waste of time without the help of a professional. A photographer specializing in corporate portraits will help you create consistency by unifying the background and poses of each of your employees. What’s more, it’s also an opportunity to strengthen the bonds between colleagues and take part in a common activity.

The same goes for your business cards: a photo that reflects your image and your brand is essential to differentiate you from your competitors and hold your customers’ attention.

Treat yourself to a quality photo shoot
In addition to a kind and attentive eye, you’ll benefit from unparalleled management of framing and lighting in all circumstances: rainy weather, an abundance of tourists… A photographer will know how to adapt to each location and each client. Within 72 hours, receive retouched (but natural!) photos in high definition. No more pixelated, dark photos or photos with your ex-boyfriend’s cropped shoulder. Treat yourself to professionalism.
Where you might tend to focus on your face when taking a selfie, or ask your best friend to take a few shots of you, a photographer will have more distance and be able to shoot you from different angles to make you look your best (full-length, three-quarter-length…). Beware of the risk of using people close to you for your professional or official photos. Directing and posing a person is a complex exercise that requires concentration on the part of both model and photographer. The presence of your friends behind the lens could dissipate your concentration and slow down the shoot. After all, a photo shoot needs to be quick enough to capture your natural expressions, and avoid any strained smiles.
Call on a professional photographer for all your moments in life
It’s YOUR TIME. Make the most of it. During a photo shoot, the photographer is at your disposal to put you at ease and target your expectations according to your request, choosing the best places in town to show you off to best advantage. A real moment of complicity and sharing is created between client and photographer. The photographer is there to animate the session, relax you and get the most genuine laugh from you. A professional photo shoot is also an opportunity to exchange ideas, take time for yourself, get to know or appreciate your assets better, regain your self-confidence, and simply have fun creating memories. Social networks, dating sites, you don’t need a specific occasion to want to have beautiful photos of yourself – on the contrary! Coach, stylist, confidant – the photographer of 2023 wears many hats. Your selfie pole had better watch out!
Faire appel à un photographe professionnel pour tous vos moments de vie.
C’est VOTRE MOMENT. Profitez-en. Lors d’un shooting, le photographe est à votre disposition pour vous mettre à l’aise et cibler au mieux vos attentes en fonction de votre demande et choisir les meilleurs endroits de la ville pour vous mettre en valeur. Un réel moment de complicité et de partage naît alors entre le client et son photographe. Ce dernier est là pour animer la séance, vous détendre et obtenir le rire le plus authentique possible de votre part. Un shooting photo professionnel est aussi l’occasion d’échanger, de prendre du temps pour soi, d’apprendre à mieux connaître ses atouts ou à les apprécier, reprendre confiance en soi, et tout simplement s’amuser en créant des souvenirs. Réseaux sociaux, sites de rencontres, il n’y a pas besoin d’une occasion spécifique pour désirer avoir de belles photos de vous, au contraire ! Coach, styliste, confident, nombreuses sont les casquettes que porte un(e) photographe en 2023. Votre perche à selfie n’a qu’à bien se tenir !
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