How to communicate effectively?

Corporate photography is becoming more and more widespread. It’s proven that images are more eye-catching than text alone! In fact, photos and videos considerably increase the impact of a web publication. The advantage of an image is that it can be used on the web as well as on paper: from business cards and flyers to e-mail signatures and CVs.

Discover our tips for successful corporate photography.

Why have a corporate photo shoot?


As a company grows, it needs professional, high-quality photos for its communications. Investing in a photo reportage for your company means ensuring that your images are unique and personal.

Unfortunately, however, some companies tend to neglect image content and corporate photography. Big mistake. Images always speak louder than words. Images showing an active team and a serious company are bound to have a greater impact than descriptive text!

Visual content, and therefore corporate photography, makes for a highly eloquent communication medium. They reflect the company as it exists today!

Much more original than royalty-free images bought from a site to which everyone has access, customized photos of your own company allow you to present your own team and its know-how.

Convey values with the help of a corporate photographer


Corporate photo shoots involve taking professional portraits of you or your team for business purposes. These corporate portraits are taken to get to know your employees and present your team better.

But corporate photography isn’t just about individual or group portraits of team members! The photographer can also shoot inside your company, while the teams are at work, to show the company’s dynamism and dynamism in motion. These photos will bring a certain realism to your work!


It can also be a great way to bring your whole team together. To ensure a modern, polished approach and an aesthetic suited to your company, it’s a good idea to call on one of our professional photographers.

He’ll be able to highlight your skills and assets in the shots.

On the day of the photo shoot, he’ll make sure all your team members feel at ease by reassuring them, and giving them several ideas for poses to adopt.

What types of corporate photos are there?


To make the most of your company, you need to incorporate relevant, high-impact visuals. A true showcase for your company, photos promote your image and your values.

Here are the different types of corporate photos you can take during your photo shoot.

Employee photo portraits:

Offering each team member the opportunity to have a professional photo taken of himself or herself puts all your employees in the spotlight.

Team photos:

Team photos can be serious, funny or offbeat. It’s up to you to choose the tone you want to set for this session! Highlight your human capital and underline your team’s cohesion.

Employee role-playing:

Surely the easiest to do, the situation photo allows you to capture the team on the spot, and in their element. As opposed to a posed photo, everyone naturally lives the action while your photographer takes a few shots. In front of a computer, on the phone, in a videoconference or in a meeting: anything is possible. All you need to do is think about the right photos beforehand.

Book your FREE photo shoot now!

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