There are a thousand and one reasons for wanting or needing quality photos: whether it’s the CV photo that will help you land your dream job later on, or the family photo that you’ll bring out every time you get together with your nearest and dearest. Our bodies change throughout our lives, and so do the ways in which we perceive ourselves. Self-confidence goes hand in hand with self-esteem, and it’s vital to feel in tune with yourself in order to measure up to your true worth. Puberty, dieting, pregnancy, a break-up, a new start in life, a new job… Whatever the reasons for a photo session, it’s important to see this moment beforehand as a gift you’re giving yourself. Our body is our inheritance and it will follow us for the rest of our lives, so we might as well be nice to it?

Standing in front of the lens of a professional photographer


Loving yourself, having self-confidence and appreciating yourself despite your flaws isn’t always easy. If taking a selfie is still perceived as a narcissistic act, a professional photo shoot is an excellent way of giving or restoring your self-confidence while revealing your personality. There’s the fear of being judged by others, the fear of being photographed by a stranger, the fear of not knowing how to pose, the guilt of taking time out just for yourself… But that’s what a portrait shoot is all about! Dare to indulge yourself, put on your most beautiful outfits, those in which you feel the most comfortable, the most attractive, the most confident, the most “you”, quite simply. You don’t necessarily have to perch on 12 cm heels to feel confident and beautiful. On the other hand, if stilettos are your trademark, don’t hesitate to wear them with pride! For gentlemen, the same goes for suits, ties and other fashion accessories. Come as you are, so that you feel as comfortable as possible with your body, your body language and your state of mind.

A photo shoot that reflects your image


Pretty, high-quality photos aren’t enough on their own. For a photo shoot to be a complete success, it has to reflect your personality. It’s these portraits that reveal you as faithfully as possible that will make you realize the beautiful person you are, and restore your self-confidence, despite any flaws you may find in yourself.

To do this, our photographers need to understand your personality in just a few moments, before the session, as they make their way to the first shooting location, and then between two shots… For 30 minutes or an hour, you’ll be guided and highlighted by a professional photographer who listens to you in a totally sympathetic way. His role is not only to show you off in beautiful photos, but also to position you, to help you discover or rediscover and appreciate aspects of your figure that you may find unsightly, to highlight your radiant smile or the blue of your eyes… In short, there’s no such thing as a perfect model. Take this original activity as a break in your week – there’s no need to put pressure on yourself. Enjoy this moment of well-being and letting go that you’ve chosen to offer yourself: all you have to do is enjoy it! You’ll often be happy and surprised by the person you see in the photo, far from the demons we might imagine: “that’s me in the photos, that’s really me, happy and comfortable in my own skin”.

Treat yourself to a complete photo book


In addition to the pleasant time you’ll have during your photo shoot and the self-confidence boost you’ll get, photos taken on a day when you’re relaxed and happy can be useful for many other aspects, both professional and personal: a smiling, dynamic portrait on social networks immediately makes you want to discover the person behind the profile, whether it’s a professional platform like LinkedIn or a more intimate network (Instagram, Tinder…).

It’s time to take some time for yourself and be proud of the person you are at this moment in your life. Dare to take a fresh look at yourself through the eyes of a professional photographer!

Book your FREE photoshoot now!

Limited places each week.